{Amanda Sorenson}
I am a Texas native living in the Big City... New York City, that is! I have an irreplaceable passion for life and everything it has to offer, so I have created Harmony&Hem to share, and above all document all things that inspire me and help me to keep on trekking. I will focus mainly on my two loves: all things fashion, and all things music (hence the harmony & the hem).
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Because I truly believe that the "weird" things about people are what make them the most interesting, let's break the ice with a list of five oddities about myself (judge me if you may! you have been warned):
1. I would be fine if I never saw another movie for the rest of my life (as long as I had the book and a glass of wine to keep me occupied).
2. I would hands down watch the Disney Channel and/or Nickelodeon over any other TV channel any day, any time.
3. Although I hate to admit it, my go-to food is a good ol' can of Spaghetti-O's (I also prefer them cold).
4. For some bizarre reason, I am overly freaked out when people playfully poke my bellybutton.
5. I still sleep with a teddy bear, and I ♥ it.
Gaze on!